Teresa Parod Murals
Painter Teresa Parod has created over 70 works of public art, mostly in the Chicago area but also extending to Milwaukee, St. Louis, New Orleans, Havana Cuba, and Istanbul Turkey. These as well as her oil-on-canvas paintings can be seen at teresaparod.com.
Teresa and her husband, composer and software developer Bill Parod have also been working together on multi-media art. Teresa Parod Murals is one example combining mural paintings with situated spatial music and sound art through Augmented Reality development.

Homage To Sondra by Teresa Parod
Homage to Sondra is about historic cottages on the street where I live. I use the term historic loosely as it seems all the neighbors have a different idea of their history but no one knows exactly what that history is. We all agree that they are charming and unique. Sondra was a long time resident of one of the cottages and a true eccentric character. When she began talking, it was impossible to leave as she never stopped. Her words were at times brilliant, funny, petty, inspiring, mean, fun, thoughtful, dramatic, loving, ridiculous, sad, epic, joyous but always interesting and definitely non stop. She told me she had lunch with Picasso, inspiring him when she held up the skeleton of a fish she had just eaten. She ate lobster in the White House and gave the president’s advisors advice, She hugged John Travolta in our alley, which was very embarrassing to her because she wasn’t wearing a bra. I always considered her a genius of some kind,
She was beautiful, though she told me she hadn’t taken a bath in 12 years, wore the same torn black dress with falling apart shoes everyday, and probably hadn’t combed her hair since the Carter administration. Sondra passed several years ago and I often miss the old girl. What I would give to hear one of her extended conversations. I picture her biking in heaven, because she told me often she wished she could still ride a bike.
The mural is at the rear of Endoscopy Center of the North Shore, 1732 Central Street, Evanston, IL. Or visit the mural image.

Coming in the next release...
The next release will include ARs for a cluster of murals in the alley of the 2300 block of Thayer St., Evanston, IL.​​​
Earlier ARs
Midwestern Birds by Teresa Parod
This A/R scene is over “Midwestern Birds”, a mural named for content chosen by the owners of the garage. The bird sound and model are from the "Temperate Forest" model described in "Earful | Ecologies". This garage has been replaced. The bird panels were saved but the mural is no longer up, except on teresaparod.com.
This A/R scene is over “Trianon”, a mural named for a cafe in Alexandria, Egypt and reminiscent of one in New Orleans. Crowd sounds, passing motorbikes, restaurant sounds of plates and cutlery and New Orleans music are part of the soundtrack. The music was recorded in a Bywater vacant lot after an unofficial parade in New Orleans during Carnival season. The combination of its "New Orleans Sound" and Arabic scales makes it a perfect music for this New Orleans / Alexandria mural. If anyone recognizes or participated in the music, please contact me. I would love to seek your permission and know who to credit.
Solar System and Sunflowers by Teresa Parod
The owners of this garage wanted a space theme and liked the proposed image. The A/R was looking for a universal message and it is translated here into 8 languages by Google Translate and spoken in various voices from AWS Poly. For Sunflowers the patron wanted flowers on her door. Birds always sound great and those that feed on flowers are especially wonderful to watch. This patron is also interviewed about the murals in the Ash-har Quraishi video mentioned above.
2319 by Teresa Parod
This mural, "2319" is on the garage of our house and is a painting of the front of our house. The A/R app uses image recognition to place home movies from our early days into the mural's windows. More recent photos of the family ride on roller-coaster cars around the outside of the house, up and down the trees.
The action on the inside shows our story time upstairs. Downstairs is Sereana and then Julius dancing to Stevie Wonder in the living room. And both are working in the kitchen on lower right. Unfortunately, for copyright reasons, we had to mute the audio from the living room video - which was joyously blasting Stevie Wonder's "Songs In The Key of Life".
Bali by Teresa Parod
This mural patron wanted a scene with palms. The mural by Teresa Parod depicts a Balinese landscape. The soundscape is made from various sounds recorded in Bali, including geckos, motorbikes, cremation procession, and bats.
Day of the Dead Display by Teresa Parod
This A/R scene is for 3D display or installation for Day of the Dead. The A/R recognizes one of the panels and spawns a flock of images of many of our beloved departed friends and relatives.