When we were in Solo,Java. Bill googled, “Ramayana “ looking for dance performances. There are a lot of dance performances with sections of the Ramayana epic as their theme. A link to a fine, but not special restaurant called Ramayana came up and Bill noticed it. That evening we went to a night market and there was another one a 16 minute walk away. On the walk to it I felt really uncomfortable and I kept hearing in my head, “I don’t like this. Get off of this street,” I saw a restaurant on the opposite side of the street at the end of the block with a lot of people inside and out. I told Bill we had to get off the street and we should go there and decide on what to do . As soon as I stepped off the curb to cross the street I felt safe and when we got to the restaurant I was totally relieved. Bill suggested that we eat something. We went inside and Bill realized it was the Ramayana restaurant he had seen on the internet. I said the odds of him looking at an OK restaurant by chance on the internet and us ending up there by chance was infinitesimally low. Solo is a big city. There must be a reason. Then something happened in front of the restaurant on the side we had just left. There was some sort of traffic accident. We didn’t see it, but soon there were sirens and eventually 3 ambulances sped away. Lesson: Trust your instincts.
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